Cloud Storage Workflow

(Last update of this topic: 05-18-2018)

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Cloud Storage Workflow

(Last update of this topic: 05-18-2018)

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Quick Start List

Store Cloud Provider

Cloud Provider:

The login credentials of your provider can be stored under settings in the menu item vFlow Cloud Provider. (see figure vFlow Cloud Storage Provider)


Currently the following providers are supported:


Citrix ShareFile
Microsoft OneDrive


Click Add in order to store a new provider.


Add Citrix Share File:






Choose a Cloud Storage provider

Citrix Sharefile, Microsoft One Drive


Provider name

Displayed in the workflow


Description for the provider

Displayed in the workflow

Client ID

Use the client ID to identify with your Cloud Storage provider

Will be provided by your Cloud Storage provider

Client Secret

Client secrets are typically used to sign requests and are required by some providers.

Will be provided by your Cloud Storage provider. Not required by One Drive.

Base URI

URI for connection with the cloud provider

Will be provided by your Cloud Storage provider

Redirect URI

Redirect URI for connection with the cloud provider

Will be provided by your Cloud Storage provider



Figure 74:  vFlow Cloud Storage Provider



Create a vFlow with Cloud Storage


Right-click Workflows -> New Workflow. The window for editing workflows is displayed.




Figure 75:  Create vFlow Cloud Storage



Select the action Store to cloud and draw it under the desired position.


Select the desired cloud provider and click output path.


The path can only be selected if a valid connection with your cloud provider is available.


Enter the user name and password.




Figure 76: Cloud Storage in a workflow


Assign the workflow to the desired users.