E-Mail Profiles

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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E-Mail Profiles

(Last update of this topic: 11-04-2020)

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An e-mail profile describes the settings for an SMTP server to send e-mails from . It is for example needed for notifications of events related to a printer. The following figure - steadyPRINT Center - overview of e-mail profiles shows some examples of existing profiles.




Figure 154: steadyPRINT Center - overview of e-mail profiles


For sending e-mails, requires some specifications which are to be noted in a profile. The following figure - steadyPRINT Center - e-mail profiles shows an example in which the user wants to send an e-mail from the address noreply@steadyprint.com to the address support@steadyprint.com. The Server with the DNS name exchange.steadyprint.com shall be used as SMTP Server.




Figure 155: steadyPRINT Center - e-mail profiles



Environment Variables in Message


Use Windows environment variables to understand the message with dynamic information.



A message from user %USERNAME% in domain %USERDOMAIN%.