Synchronization of Printer Information

(Last update of this topic: 02-15-2021)

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Synchronization of Printer Information

(Last update of this topic: 02-15-2021)

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All printer information can be synchronized in 3 ways:


2018-12-24 15_42_40-Greenshot

Figure 100: Synchronization of printer information via context menu


1.By the administrator via the context menu of the printer tree (see figure Synchronization of printer information via context menu).
2.With an interval set by the administrator
3.At each start of the Center


When adding a new printer, its latest information is automatically written to the system.
In order to be able to see the current printer information even during the printer's life time, an interval for the update of the printer information can now be set.


Setting Options

You will find the options in the settings (see figure Synchronization of printer information via interval settings) of the Center.




Figure 101: Synchronization of printer information via interval settings


Here, you can have the information updated during the life time of the Center (or even beyond) or uniquely query the latest information from the environment at each start of the Centers.