Citrix Client Printer (Citrix Universal Printer Driver) with steadyPRINT

(Last update of this topic: 02-17-2021)

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Citrix Client Printer (Citrix Universal Printer Driver) with steadyPRINT

(Last update of this topic: 02-17-2021)

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Citrix offers the possibility and technology to transfer a client printer into the terminal server session without having to install additional manufacturer drivers on the Citrix XenApp Server. In this way, this feature offers a compression of the print data stream. To ensure the functionality, Citrix-owned drivers and services that are locally installed on the Citrix XenApp Server are required and used.  Citrix describes the entire subject in the following document:


Procedure for Using Citrix Client Printers with steadyPRINT

Installing the steadyPRINT Agent on the workstation and the Citrix XenApp Server is a prerequisite for the automatic set-up and transfer of client printers to the terminal server session by using the Citrix Universal Printer Driver. The printers can also be used on the client without Agent, the management of the client-printer connection, however, has to be done manually.



1.Activate the option Use Citrix Universal Printer Driver (UPD) on XenApp-Server under Agent-Profiles in the steadyPRINT Center settings.
2.Add a printer assignment to the client or the Citrix XenApp Server via the steadyPRINT Agent or to a user, a group or a computer via the steadyPRINT Center.
3.The steadyPRINT Agent on the client connects the required printer for the effected printer assignment.
4.Finally, the steadyPRINT Agent on the Citrix XenApp Server creates the client printer using the Citrix Universal Printer Driver.



Connection Period of Citrix Client Printers


In case the printer is not directly available on the client, the set-up of the client printer on the Citrix XenApp Server may take a moment and is thus available after a short waiting period.




Disabling the Option for Administrative Driver Installation on a Terminal Server


Make sure that the option Administrative Driver Installation on a Terminal Server is disabled. Otherwise the manufacturer driver is automatically installed from the print server to the Citrix XenApp Server by the steadyPRINT Agent.




Use of Pre-Installed Manufacturer Drivers


When installing the printer connection, the steadyPRINT Agent at first tries to use the manufacturer driver. Only if this is not available and the option Administrative Driver Installation on a Terminal Server is disabled, the steadyPRINT Agent used the Citrix Universal Printer driver for installing the session printer.





Restoration of Old Session Printers


By default, a restoration of old session printers is done by means of a pre-defined Citrix guideline. Thus, the user might see the client printer multiple times resulting from different user sessions. To prevent this effect, you can disable the corresponding Citrix guideline and assign it to the respective users.  You will find the guideline itself in the Citrix AppCenter under [guideline] > ICA > Print > Client Printer > Stored and Restored Client Printers (see figure Citrix Guideline - Restore Client Printer)